
The Predictable Coins That Never Plummets



For some time now, the rise and fall of most cryptocurrency have been an issue on the crypto market. Patterns of cryptocurrency vary with respect to time which makes trading more interesting.

There are several crypto coins but just a few of them are predictable. Those that are unpredictable makes trading more difficult due to its value and characteristics in the crypto market. Crypto coins that are popular are likely predictable compared to those that are not. These are some of the predictable coins based on their value and characteristics in the crypto market.

Predictable coins such as Bitcoin (BTC), Ethereum (ETH), Litecoin (LTC), Ripple (XRP), EOS, Bitcoin cash (BTC), etc. turn to resist the loose of pattern in cryptocurrency market capitalization (Price Graph).

The first and well-known cryptocurrency (Bitcoin) has been on top of the hill for a long time. The rise and fall of its trend are quite straight forward and it is the first coin invented makes which makes it gain more popularity. Bitcoin is likely to be at its peak when there is less attention to it.

Whenever the money supply increases, the cryptocurrency value decreases. Therefore, paving a way for bitcoin to resist a high range fall in monetary value.

The next in line is Ethereum (ETH), well I call it the little brother of Bitcoin. Ethereum is one of the predictable coins with special features. Aside from being a cryptocurrency and a wallet, it is also a programming language running on its own blockchain. Where companies are using to build programs.

Due to its robustness and market value, Ethereum is the second largest market capitalization with similar price graph like bitcoin which makes it less resistance to sudden change in crypto trading. The unstableness in relation to market cap, the trend of Ethereum always moves along the previous and the new line irrespective of the change in market price. Which makes it unique and easy to predict.

The trend of Litecoin (LTC) is always quite predictable with a regular continuous uptrend and a clear downward trend which always moves it away from its resistance zone. It has a bullish potential to move with a certain range before it consolidates. Litecoin has an impressive double-bottom nowadays with an acute trend indicating a low or high move which can sometimes be frightful for Litecoin traders.

Ripple (XRP) is one of the predictable coins due to its potentials and clear trading style. Ripple always show signs of a historical trend. That is, it moves in a particular pattern which makes it easy for the crypto enthusiast to trade. Daily ripple chat shows that ripple has been exhibiting patterns which resemble its previous pattern.

It is clearly seen that the coins mention above have both trading range and clear trend at the same time which makes them special and its predictability always moving forward.
